December round-up: Tree planting begins

Our 150th anniversary tree planting scheme got off to a flying start with 5 semi-mature trees planted on Westside. Thanks to a very generous donation from the Westside Residents Association who came along to wield a shovel or two, together with Pat Langley, Head of Enable’s tree team, and the planting gang of course, led by Grant. We’ll be planting trees on every part of the Common in the coming year and a whole new mini-forest on Bolingbroke Field. You can still contribute to the scheme by visiting our donation page and read full details.

Planting hedges is another way of helping address climate and biodiversity challenges. In what we hope will be a pilot for other parts of the Common, work has begun on planting a hedge around St Marks’ triangle to screen the area from traffic noise and pollution and also to provide a wildlife corridor to St Mary’s cemetery and the Common proper to the south. December saw several volunteers plant a host of wildflowers to attract pollinators while the hedge itself will be planted in January.