September round-up: From Summer to Autumn

As summer turned to autumn we enjoyed some of our final summer events of the year. Roy Vickery led our third wildflower walk, uncovering another startling array of species on the Common. Iain Boulton led our most successful bat walk ever, with a huge number of sightings brought out by the mild, calm evening. Meanwhile, we held our last social bowls gathering of the year, before the green is closed for its annual renovation, more necessary this year due to the challenges brought by the drought.

The month ended with the annual Great Big Green week, which we marked with a stall at Saint Mary’s, Balham, pictured, alongside a plethora of other green focussed organisations. Good to meet so many like minded people and to hear from some of our newly elected councillors about their plans. A final highlight of the month was a lively and hugely enjoyable talk hosted by local author and environmentalist Isabel Losada who described, in her unique way, all the ways we can enjoy leading a greener lifestyle. Lots of food for thought for everyone, even the most ardent environmentalists, and brisk sales of Isabel’s book ‘’The Joyful Environmentalist’

As testament to all those who work hard to maintain and improve it, Wandsworth Common received a gold award in the annual London in Bloom competition for green spaces. Congratulations and thanks go to Enable, Continental Landscapes, Wandsworth Council and all our volunteers for their many and varied efforts.