May round-up: Walks, talks, assemblies, volunteering - and a film

So many highlights this month. 

The enthusiasm of the volunteers from Killick & Co on Northcote Rd, who joined our regular volunteers, added some welcome muscle and was amazing to see. Under the watchful eye of Enable’s Mick and Ling, they had great fun donning waders and wellies to clear leaves and branches from the edge of Three Island  pond, then using forks and wheelbarrows to stack the debris to dry out before collection. This helps reduce the concentration of nutrients in the water and will improve oxygen levels and the overall health of the pond, hopefully reducing the risk of duck weed and other problems. 

A second team helped weed the burgeoning hedge in the St Mark’s area, where a hedgehog was recently spotted. After its winter prune the hedges are growing fantastically.  

Two school visits - first to ARK Bolingbroke Academy Y10 to explain how the Common was saved in 1871 and how volunteers are helping carry on that work today. Then to Finton House Y5 who retold the story of the saving of the Common in a captivating play with brilliant costumes. What a delight!

A walk and two talks. Roy Vickery revealed the proliferation of wildflowers just a few steps from Wandsworth Common station. Emma Anthony gave an insight into how the Common features in the various collections held by the Wandsworth Heritage Service. And our first contribution to this year’s Wandsworth Heritage Festival was a talk by Sue Demont about Lady Allen, at the forefront of the adventure playground movement, including our very own off Chivalry Rd. 

We were delighted to introduce Rebecca and Miranda of local SuperDogTrainers who explained more about ‘A Dog’s Life’ and how owners can help their pets better navigate the modern world. Some interesting and surprising insights, even for non owners. We hope to work closely with the team going forward and members are offered a 10% discount on courses

All our talks are videoed so you can catch them at your leisure. 

Finally, the preview of our new film ‘Common Memories’ - for all those who feature in it. About 20 long time residents interviewed, filmed & edited into a beautiful short film about their memories & tales of life around the Common. More on that next month after the SOLD OUT première on June 6.