August round-up: New bird, butterfly & moth sightings

Our Heritage Group organised two  fascinating tours to local institutions - the museum at Wandsworth prison and the buildings and grounds of Emanuel school. Thanks to Stephen Midlane for organising these events and to the two venues for being so welcoming and informative.

Our ornithologist and lepidopterist members are always on the lookout for rare visitors and species new to the Common and have had some major successes recently. Bird sightings included a spotted flycatcher, whitethroat, meadow pipit, green woodpecker and a fleeting sighting of a kingfisher. In the middle of the Big Butterfly Count a brown hairstreak butterfly was spotted laying eggs on new blackthorn shoots. That was the first confirmation of their presence, encouraged by rewilding. And at the latest monthly moth count, a Webb’s Wainscot - more familiar to wetland areas - was recorded.

We said farewell to Enable‘s Parks Operations Manager, Annabel Osborn, who we had so enjoyed working with. She is replaced by former tree officer Sam Morgan, who we wish well in his new role. Completing the new line up is Owen Dodgson - who brings a very useful interest in bats and bowls!!