January round-up: New Year Events

The year began with our usual ‘Walk off the Wine’ event led by Trevor Morris. But this year’s was different, taking us to the new Springfield Park, just a stone’s throw from the Common. A record turnout of people were impressed by the extensive space, its landscaping and tree scape and facilities still to come, notably the outdoor events auditorium and the cafe.

Another first was a tour and film show at the Royal Victoria Patriotic Building, led by the owner of Le Gothique restaurant Mark Justin. Mark was able to show us parts of the building not usually open to the public, such as the great hall which displays shields commemorating the original donors to the Patriotic Fund in 1857. Mark was an excellent and entertaining guide and also provided a delicious lunch in the restaurant, followed by a showing of a film of the RVPB’s history made by Simon McNeill-Ritchie. The event was one of our most popular yet and we hope to repeat it later in the year.

Events were a major topic of discussion in January after Enable submitted an application to hold bigger and more frequent events on the Common. The proposal met with a huge public outcry and has now been dropped.

Finally, Enable’s habitat management volunteer sessions resumed with a team pruning, weedling and mulching the hedges and shrubs planted in recent years on St Marks triangle and St Mary’s cemetery. they are looking very healthy and proving to be a great source of new habitat to encourage biodiversity. These monthly sessions offer something for everyone who likes to get their hands dirty outdoors.